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Classroom language

The following section is aimed at presenting the main language used for the development of the Teaching Unit. This classroom language is a planification before the implementation; therefore, changes may take place during the actual process.



This Teaching Unit is aimed at very young learners with a low domain of English language. Therefore, the classroom language has to be simple, short, direct and straight to the point. Students will require simple instructions, preferably in an oral format, accompanied by a demonstration of gestures, facial expressions, pictures and visual supports. Examples will also be required as a model for students. All in all, scaffolding will be an essential part of the language used in the classroom, because at this stage learners need a lot of support. It would also be beneficial for students that the teacher repeats the same or similar structures throughout the teaching unit; this way, they will get used to them.


Undoubtedly, changes may occur during the implementation of the Teaching Unit regarding the language used: students many present a higher level of understanding, or a lower one. Nonetheless, it is important to be prepared and have resources, such as visual supports, gestures and expressions, etc. What is important is that the teacher has a clear idea on which is the language he or she wants to use, and then adapt it to the needs and demands of students. Knowing the starting point of the learners is key in order to be able to adapt our ideas and materials.

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